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7 things you didn’t know about your energy field include research

The energy field around your body is not just a mystical concept but has been scientifically measured using advanced techniques such as Kirlian photography .

Your energy field can be affected by your thoughts and emotions. Negative emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness can create energetic blockages that can lead to physical and mental health problems. Positive emotions such as love, joy, and gratitude can create a smooth flow of energy and enhance your well-being.

Your energy field can extend beyond your physical body. Some people can sense the energy fields of other people, animals, and even objects. This ability is called extrasensory perception (ESP) or intuition.

Your energy field can interact with the energy fields of others. When you come into contact with another person, your energy fields can merge or repel each other. This can explain why you might feel drawn to some people and repelled by others.

Your energy field can be influenced by the energy fields of your environment. The energy of your home, workplace, and other places you frequent can affect your energy field and your well-being.

Your energy field can be balanced and harmonized through practices such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and Reiki. These practices can help remove energetic blockages and promote a smooth flow of energy.

Your energy field can be healed by the power of intention. Intentional thoughts and words can create a positive change in your energy field and help you manifest your desires. This is the basis of many healing modalities such as affirmations and visualization

How can does kirilian photography works?

Kirlian photography is a technique used to capture the energy fields that surround living things, also known as aura or biofield. The process involves placing an object or body part onto a photographic plate, which is then exposed to a high-frequency electric current. The resulting photograph shows a glowing outline of the object or body part, with colors and patterns that correspond to the energy fields surrounding it.

The exact mechanism behind Kirlian photography is still not fully understood, but it is believed to be related to a phenomenon called electrical discharge. When an object is placed on the photographic plate and exposed to the high-frequency electric current, it causes the air surrounding the object to ionize, or become charged with electricity. This ionization causes a corona discharge, or a faint glow, to appear around the object.

The glow that is captured on the photographic plate is thought to correspond to the energy fields surrounding the object or body part. The color and pattern of the glow may vary depending on a number of factors, including the electrical properties of the object, the temperature and humidity of the environment, and the properties of the photographic plate itself.

Kirlian photography has been used for a variety of purposes, including research into the energy fields of living things, as well as for artistic and spiritual purposes. However, it is important to note that the claims made about Kirlian photography and its ability to diagnose or treat medical conditions have not been scientifically proven

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